--- UPDATE ---
Since Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) is now available, it was time for an update:
HowTo: Compile MediaTomb with JavaScript support on Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot
Since some time in Ubuntu MediaTomb is compiled without JavaScript support. JavaScript support is needed for example to handle/import playlists. So I spent some time on the net looking for a howto. The best I found was this one targeted to Ubuntu 10.04.
--- UPDATE END ---
Since some time in Ubuntu MediaTomb is compiled without JavaScript support. JavaScript support is needed for example to handle/import playlists. So I spent some time on the net looking for a howto. The best I found was this one targeted to Ubuntu 10.04.
To make long stories short: The problem is with SpiderMonkey, the Mozzila JavaScrip engine. MediaTomb needs a header called jsapi.h to compile. As Natty comes with packages providing these headers (libmozjs185-1.0, libmozjs185-dev, xulrunner-2.0-mozjs) I gave it a try, but I didn't manage. I also followed Gabriel's hints on how to build and install SpiderMonkey from source, but did still not succeed.
After a little more of research I finally managed to build MediaTomb on my Ubuntu Natty. Here is a step-by-step walk trough of what worked for me:
change to root or use sudo
apt-get build-dep mediatomb
vim mediatomb-0.12.1/debian/rules
change --disable-libjs to --enable-libjs
Now you should update the changelog file in the same directory
get libmozjs2d and libmozjs-dev from the debian sid distibution:
libmozjs2d_1.9.1.16-6_i386.deb and libmozjs-dev_1.9.1.16-6_i386.deb
Now you can cd to mediatomb-0.12.1 and try a ./configure. You should see a line in the configuration summary that reads
libjs : yesNow its time to install additional libs you might what to have for the build. Check the configuration summary. When you are done let's go!
If you are not already there:
cd mediatomb-0.12.1
dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -us -uc
That's it! If all went well you should now have three new .deb files in the directory you did the apt-get in. You can install them all in one go by
dpkg -i mediatomb*.deb
My thanks go to Gabriel Burca for his solution for Ubuntu 10.04 that was the basis for my Natty solution.
--- UPDATE ---
Triggered by Viv's comment, I tried this also on a 64-bit Ubuntu 11.04 (amd64).
The only difference is in step 7. Here you will have to use the amd64 libraries: libmozjs2d_1.9.1.16-6_amd64.deb and libmozjs-dev_1.9.1.16-6_amd64.deb.
After that there is one additional step:
apt-get install libjs-prototype--- UPDATE END ---